Dodson & Flinker is collaborating with T2 Architecture on the design of a new campus for Millbury, MA’s Raymond E. Shaw Elementary School, which will serve 550 students in grades 3-6. The project is now in the final stages of schematic design under the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) program. Dodson & Flinker’s proposed design weaves in play and outdoor classroom spaces throughout the landscape, creating opportunities to expand outdoor experiences beyond recess. In addition to a traditional playground, the design includes a traversing wall and low-ropes elements to be used by PE classes, and swings to be used for physical and occupational therapy. Taking advantage of the school’s 150-acre property, the proposed landscape will also feature trails and outdoor classroom spaces designed to immerse students in wetlands and woodlands. The design team continues to work closely with school staff and community members for community outreach through the summer. The Town will vote on funding the next phases of design and construction in fall 2019.