Earlier this year, Mikal Malkovich joined the Dodson & Flinker team as our Community Design and Planning Intern. Mikal studied Environmental Science and Sustainability as an undergraduate student at Pitzer College in Southern California. He also worked for several years in exhibition design and operations at a non-profit arts center in San Francisco that specialized in poster art and printmaking. Mikal is currently completing a dual-masters degree in Architecture and Landscape Architecture at UMass Amherst.
Mikal worked for several years with Thomas Douglas Architects. His role at Dodson & Flinker builds upon that professional experience with landscape architecture and planning projects which will shape the future of the built environment on a broad scale by defining the parameters for architecture and landscape architecture projects through zoning and design guidelines. Developing his understanding and working towards a synergy of these scales is the primary inspiration of his academic and professional pursuits.