Dodson & Flinker prepared a Heritage Landscape inventory for 15 communities in the Upper Quaboag and North Quabbin region of Central Massachusetts, working with citizens in each community to identify and prioritize the wide range of heritage landscape types found throughout the region. The project provided the information necessary to incorporate heritage landscapes into local, regional and statewide planning decisions.
Within the scope of the project, Dodson & Flinker facilitated a local heritage landscape identification meeting for each participating community, followed by fieldwork to assess prioritized landscapes. Ultimately, reconnaissance reports were prepared to provide communities and their planning partners on the local, regional and state levels with recommendations that can be pursued and implemented for the protection of those landscapes. Also, to inform the identification process and illustrate the priority landscapes and implementation techniques, Dodson & Flinker prepared GIS-based maps for each community. A final, regional report was also developed to provide an overview of the heritage landscapes found within the area, discuss regional thematic links and provide recommendations for regional preservation strategies and initiatives.